COMMENT: In this period of post-pandemic
shock, there is a growing sense that our experience of Covid-19 must
revolutionise something.
Town centres and high streets will
likely be near the front of the queue in receipt of post-Covid benefits, and it
feels as though the time is right. If so, and we do see a new age of investment
(financially and emotionally), we might also witness the resurrection of our
towns and cities.
But although Covid-19 may well bring
about a revolution in our towns and cities, it will need stakeholders with real
ambition and drive to achieve the potential that is there.
Here are aspirational and slightly less
idealistic perspectives from Shoosmiths colleagues on the challenges facing our
towns and cities as we bid to make urban Britain rise again.
Aspiration – Busy high streets, packed-out retail parks,
online shopping with local collection depots. Retail and leisure are turned
into a truly joined-up experience with a focus on community space, reigniting a
passion for the physical shopping experience.
Reality – Shopping centre landlords have been hit hard,
as have retailer tenants unable to negotiate rent deals with their landlords.
No trading income has made for a tough few months, and while those with an
online offering have continued to trade, gyms, restaurants and pubs are
desperate to get customers back through their doors. However, social distancing
will likely impact physical presence trade for some months yet.
Alexandria Kittlety, partner
Aspiration – The urban living renaissance is extended to
families and the older generation, whose bespoke needs are better catered for
in developments. Residential accommodation is designed with sustainability,
health and wellbeing in mind, with thought as to how living interacts with
working and playing and the local economy. A holistic approach to regeneration
is taken by developers and local authorities, creating spaces that encourage a
wider sense of community.
Reality – Wholescale regeneration needs a long-term
vision and huge investment, which can be lacking in smaller high streets. With
the right focus, however, developers and communities could deliver long-term
regeneration through smaller well-considered projects which conform to a wider
Catherine Williams, partner
Aspiration – Less commuting, a more evenly-spread use of
our transport infrastructure and flexible working patterns would reduce the
peak pressures on our transport systems and allow for the reclamation of roads
for pedestrianisation, the creation of new public spaces, a cleaner environment
and redesigned workspaces.
Reality – The introduction of initiatives including
cycle lanes, e-scooter sharing schemes and fully-integrated transport systems
will be accelerated. However, in the short-term there are challenges over how
people can embrace shared transport in a socially distanced manner, and
longer-term over how we reduce our reliance on cars whilst avoiding trains and
trams at peak times. Is it time for more carrot and less stick?
Daniel Monaghan, partner
Aspiration – A renewed emphasis by developers and
landowners on the creation of long-term, sustainable capital growth through
prosperity for communities. Tenants and lease terms (including rents) tailored
to business types, enabling local businesses to thrive alongside national
chains. Investors acknowledged as custodians of a finite resource and truly
invested landowners working with public bodies and community groups to create
urban centres with local flavour.
Reality – Covid-19 is forcing investors to focus on
tenants and their underlying business models. Arrangements linking rental
values with business performance are increasingly prevalent in the retail
sphere, and landlords are more receptive to personal arrangements with
occupiers, a trend that is likely to continue. The concept of placemaking isn’t
new, but questions remain over whether developers and investors are ready to
take a leap of faith (which may involve forgoing short-term income) to create
truly local urban centres. With the focus of many investors currently on income
generation, this could be a big ask.
Catherine Hood, partner
Aspiration – A raft of successful public/private
collaborations to revive towns and cities, creating vibrant sustainable
environments for working and living, with stakeholders on both sides sharing
risk and government playing a part in bringing forward developments through
funding, grants and streamlining planning processes. Local authorities sharing
their visions of what towns and cities should look like, collaborating with
developers, investors and local communities to ensure shared ownership of
Reality – In the short term, the public and private
sectors will be busy dealing with the impact of Covid-19 generally and,
although there will be interested stakeholders, any unlocking of opportunities
will take time to get everyone on board, evaluate and structure transactions
and obtain funding.
Choisanne Man, partner