The boom in tall towers in London
is being driven by overseas demand for “glitzy high-rise towers”, rather than
the housing shortage in the capital, former City planning officer Peter Rees
claimed today.
Speaking before the planning
committee of the London Assembly, Rees said towers were unnecessary to meet the
density required to house London’s booming population.
He argued for “doughnut” shapes
of low-rise buildings which he said would appeal to the UK market rather than
the “international investment market”.
Rees, who himself lives in the
Heron Tower in the City of London, said high-rise living was for the rich,
rather than those on low incomes because of the lack of community in a tower.
He pointed to Chelsea as the
highest density area in London, arguing towers waste space around the base.
Sunand Prasad, architect at
Penoyre and Prasad Architects, dismissed the argument that building up is an
answer to housing need.
“The argument you have to build
tall just doesn’t wash. It’s demonstrably untrue,” he said.
He said viability was driving the
need to build higher because of the prices achieved at the top of a skyscraper.
But Tony Pidgley, chairman of the
Berkeley group, said towers were “good for London and good for the economy”.
He highlighted the company’s
residential towers in Croydon, where he said flats were being snapped up by
young Londoners buying their first home.
He said the housebuilder’s
proposed 73-storey tower in South Quay, south of Canary Wharf, would also
likely be sold to young professionals if it wins planning.
Pidgley said families in London
are now aspiring to live in towers, and said a survey showed 80% of Berkeley’s
tower residents are happy with their home.
Edward Lister, deputy mayor for
planning and policy, said foreign buyers have traditionally bought around 3% of
London’s housing stock, which shot up post-2008 with the lack of mortgage
availability, but was expected to return to the lower rate.