A detailed planning application for what would be the tallest building in the City of London, 1 Undershaft, has been submitted today.

Aroland Holdings, the Singaporean owner of the site, has lodged plans for the skyscraper, which will extend to 73 storeys and 309.6m.

The proposed building, which would provide 970,000 sq ft of net internal area, also includes the creation of a large public square at the base of the tower and a public viewing gallery, education centre and public restaurant at the top of the tower. 

Eric Parry, the architect of 1 Undershaft, said: “The launch of 1 Undershaft in 2015 was very well received by Londoners and we are pleased to now be submitting a full application to the City of London.”

“1 Undershaft represents the very best of architecture in a premier location in the City. The building sets new standards in terms of comfort, quality, and environmental sustainability.

“Following feedback from the consultations we have redesigned the public square to offer easier access for cyclists and expand the usable space for the public. We remain committed to building London’s finest public viewing gallery, classrooms and public restaurant.

“The response to 1 Undershaft has been overwhelmingly positive. The enthusiastic support for the public viewing gallery and enlarged public square has been especially welcome as the tower has been designed to put the public first.”

The tower will employ an elevated reception lobby meaning that the public will be able to walk freely beneath the skyscraper.

The open public space at the base of the tower creates a connection between two of the City of London’s most ancient places of worship, St Andrew Undershaft and St Helen’s Bishopsgate churches.

Just over 22,000 sq ft of retail space will also be created in a basement-level retail gallery of new restaurants, cafes, and shops accessed from the public square.  

The building would provide London’s tallest viewing gallery, which will be served by dedicated lifts. The public viewing gallery will be accompanied by an education centre with two classrooms for school parties to learn more about the capital, its growth and its history, and London’s highest restaurant.

The planning application has been submitted to the City of London and a decision is expected to be taken by summer 2016.